Adding a second DataSource to a TIP or WebGUI Configuration

by Simon Barnes

To allow data from multiple ObjectServers to be visible from a single TIP add the following lines to be added to the /opt/IBM/tivoli/tip/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/webtop/datasources/ncwDataSourceDefinitions.xml file.

Note the parts in red will need to be modified.

Add the following section before the line </ncwDataSourceDefinition>at the end of the file and make a copy before starting.

<ncwDataSourceDefinition type=”singleServerOSDataSource” name=”ObjectServer” enabled=”true”>

<!–Datasource data caching –>


<chart maxAge=”60″ enabled=”true” cleantime=”120″/>

<config maxAge=”3600″/>

<eventList maxAge=”60″ enabled=”true” cleantime=”120″/>

<eventSummary maxAge=”10″ enabled=”true” cleantime=”20″/>



<ncwFailOverPollingParameters basePollingTime=”10″ backOffMultiplier=”0″/>

<ncwHeartBeatParameters basePollingTime=”15″/>




<ncwQueryTimeout baseTime=”60″/>




userName=”root” password=”password





<ncwOSConnection host=”hostname” port=”4100″ ssl=”false”/>




<ncwOSConnection host=”” port=”” ssl=”false”/>





Views: 77