IBM® Operations Analytics Predictive Insights

Predict performance problems before they occur

IBM® Operations Analytics Predictive Insights analyzes data and learns the normal behavior of a system. Predictive Insights can ingest data from various sources, and integrate with existing monitoring products. Based on the data ingested, Predictive Insights creates a performance model and uses it to detect or forecast behavior outside of the modeled range, and generate an alarm when this anomalous behavior occurs. It enables organizations to proactively avoid outages before users are impacted. The software automatically learns system behaviour and uses unique forecasting algorithms from IBM Watson to detect IT problems before they become service impacting.

Business Service Monitoring and Big Data

Ensuring the smooth running of mission critical business applications can be challenging. The impact of outages can be costly with repercussions that severely impact the business. Detecting, diagnosing and resolving problems that occur in these applications are difficult because symptoms are hidden in a ‘big data’ stream of millions of health metrics and terabytes of log data. Analytics make it possible to automatically detect emerging problems and make it fast and simple to isolate and resolve them.

See a worked example on our blog site.

Read “10 Reasons why you should be using Predictive Insights

Detecting Emerging Problems Sooner

Predictive Insights can provide early problem detection to predict application, middleware or infrastructure problems before they impact service. By continuously learning and modelling it is able to predict when current conditions are likely to develop into a future problem, it can then fire an early warning alert. The software helps you avoid outages and increase service performance.

Continuously Learning your IT Service Behaviour

Machine learning in Predictive Insights is powered by algorithms from IBM Watson, the industry’s most powerful and scalable streaming analytic engine. It processes performance and metric data in real time from the existing IT monitoring and performance management solutions. It applies advanced analytics technologies that mathematically discover complex relationships between metrics and learns the normal operational behaviour of IT and network environments.

Key Benefits

  • Proactively identify problems before they become service impacting
  • Perform faster root cause analysis to isolate problems sooner
  • Predict when problem conditions may occur in the future and provide early warning alerts
  • Reduce operational costs without the need for complex service models or specialized skills
  • Automatically detect abnormal conditions without the need for static thresholds or manual procedures

Reducing Operational Costs

Predictive Insights does not require typical human input, such as thresholds, scripts, services models, or rules. It uses advanced analytics that learn and model the values of performance metrics together holistically. This enables the solution to learn the complex relationships and interdependencies that comprise an IT and network infrastructure. In addition, it does not require statisticians or mathematicians to configure or deploy. It was designed to be easily deployed and used by existing IT operations groups who already manage the performance and availability of services, applications, and the IT infrastructure.

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