Sustainable IT with IBM Turbonomic

Accelerate your journey to carbon neutrality with automation you can trust

What if your applications could help your IT go green?

Even before the war in Ukraine prices of energy commodities — including oil, natural gas and coal — have soared as supply remains tight and demand rebounds from a Covid-induced slowdown. That has contributed to power and fuel shortages from Europe to Asia.

It is likely that you were already committed to reducing your environmental impact regardless of recent world events, but now this desire to do the right thing has also become a business imperative. However many sustainable IT strategies and investments take time to deliver results and you may be concerned they can affect your organisation’s ability to meet business objectives.

You don’t have to compromise between carbon neutrality and application performance. When applications consume only what they need to perform, you can trim costs and materially reduce your carbon footprint immediately and continuously. With full-stack visualisation, IBM® Turbonomic® Application Resource Management (ARM) uses intelligent automation to help you extend efficiencies, scale workloads, and reduce resource waste.

These are some of the figures you can hope to achieve with IBM® Turbonomic®.




Reduction in public cloud spending with dynamic scaling and workload rightsizing Annual refresh cost avoidance through improved infrastructure utilization Growth spend avoidance by understanding app demand

* Figures from a Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study

Orb Data along with IBM can offer Turbonomic as either a fully managed service to ensure you achieve all of these benefits or you can simply buy the product and run the service yourself.

IT best practices for accelerating the journey to carbon neutrality

Considerations and pragmatic solutions for IT executives driving sustainable IT.

Click here to read the IBM best practices ebook

How to operate sustainably  

With IBM® Turbonomic®, organisations do not need to compromise between carbon neutrality and application performance. IBM Turbonomic software continuously ensures customers’ applications consume just what they need to perform, materially reducing IT’s carbon footprint.IBM Turbonomic understands the resource relationships at every layer of the application stack and dynamically resources applications according to demand in real-time. IBM Turbonomic actions are trustworthy, and our automation can be operationalised, delivering measurable results as customers reduce cost and carbon footprint immediately and continuously. IBM Turbonomic can run in any environment. Through a commissioned Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study, Forrester Consulting projected that IBM Turbonomic Application Resource Management customers reduced their cloud and data centre consumption by 30% within 6 months, significantly improving long-term energy consumption profiles. In addition to material savings, IBM Turbonomic automation saved customers more than 50 hours of IT personnel time each month.

Read our blog on how Turbonomic pays for itself and our short PoV engagement here



Optimise your Data Centre
Gain more effective use of existing assets and more effective purchasing for infrastructure growth.


Plan Cloud Migration 
Ensure responsible cloud consumption from the start with app-driven, optimised planning. Read our blog here


Continuously Optimise Cloud
Safely reduce cloud consumption continuously, and more sustainably as the business grows.


Elastic Scaling
Scale modern apps based on response time to drive better digital experiences and increased cloud elasticity.


Report on Cloud Usage
Data centres globally use an estimated 200 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity each year which is the equivalent of about 3% of global greenhouse emissions and so a large part in becoming a green company is tracking your emissions and being able to report on your company’s energy costs and carbon footprint.

Sustainability Calculator

It starts with you. Estimate your cloud and data centre carbon footprint today.

Click here to input your own data centre figures

Click here to read how the calculator works


Why does sustainability matter?

Sustainability is now a strategic imperative and an opportunity for your business


$53 trillion






38 out of 50

Investment in sustainability by 2025 Indicate sustainability is important to them of millennials consider a company’s social and environmental commitments when deciding where to work of the world’s top economies have or are developing corporate disclosure requirements around environmental impact

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