Migrating to Impact 6.1

by Nick Lansdowne

Impact 6.1 was released at the end of October (2011), and so I duly migrated my test Impact 5.1.1 system to the latest version. Amongst other new features, version 6.1 is fully integrated into the Tivoli Integrated Portal and introduces JavaScript as a policy language, both of interest. Unfortunately there were a few stumbling blocks 🙁

The Basics

Being a test environment, both the Impact and GUI Servers were installed on a single server with the new Impact v6.1 code to be installed on the same system. The basic migration steps  documented in the Netcool/Impact v6.1 Administration Guide are:

  1. Stop the v5.1.x Impact servers
  2. Install v6.1 on the same system (in a different directory)
  3. Remove the default NCI instance
  4. Migrate the v5.1.x configuration to v6.1

Easier said than done!


Migration Failure

The first three steps were relatively painless. But the final step did promote some head scratching. The promised “BUILD SUCCESSFUL” message proving allusive, with the migration failing consistently with the error:

cd /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/install/migration
./migrate -migrate /opt/ibm/netcool /opt/IBM/tivoli –password XYZ
/opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/install/migration/migrate.xml:186: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/install/migration/migrate.xml:193: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/install/migration/migrate_props.xml:178: The following error occurred while executing this line:
Unable to load a script engine manager (org.apache.bsf.BSFManager or
Total time: 42 seconds
Final result - Failure : 1

Resolution Steps

I found the easiest option was to workaround this problem by separating the export and import phases, i.e. use the method described for migrating the configuration where Impact v5.1.x and v6.1 have been installed on distinct systems. This progressed more smoothly, although there are a couple of points to highlight in the steps demonstrated below.

Firstly, the IBM documentation described importing the GUI Server configuration before the Impact Server configuration. Where both components are on a single server that order needs to be reversed (the migrate script does warn of this when using the importGUIServer switch).

Secondly, the IMPACT_HOME argument for the migrate script, as indicated in the IBM documentation, does not require the impact directory itself, but its parent directory. For example use “/opt/IBM/tivoli” and not “/opt/IBM/tivoli/impact”. The folowing JAVA_HOME error was returned when using the wrong directory name.


./migrate -importGUIServer /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact /tmp/exports/GUI -password orbdata
Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly.
  We cannot execute /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/tipv2/java/bin/java
Final result – Failure : 1

The successful migration steps were as follows:

cd /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/install/migration
mkdir /tmp/exports/GUI
mkdir /tmp/exports/Impact
./migrate -exportGUIServer /opt/ibm/netcool /tmp/exports/GUI
./migrate -exportImpactServer /opt/ibm/netcool /tmp/exports/Impact
./migrate -importImpactServer /opt/IBM/tivoli /tmp/exports/Impact –password XYZ
./migrate -importGUIServer /opt/IBM/tivoli /tmp/exports/GUI –password XYZ


Post Migration

So far I haven’t identified any show stopping issues post migration. The various Impact components can now be accessed and configured from the TIP Navigator System Configuration > Event Automation (don’t forget to log-on to the TIP URL  http://<gui_server_hostname>:16310/ibm/console). There is less granularity in the navigator itself,  for example you need to select the Services navigator to see the service instances, and there are fewer pop-up windows. Personally, I find both of these changes are positives, resulting in a less busy navigator and fewer windows to navigate.

by Nick Lansdowne

Views: 26