TWS 8.x placing stdlist on a different file system

by Pete Meechan

Windows Platform

If TWS is already installed and running, stop all of the TWS processes (conman shutdown). Check the current contents of the %TWS_HOME%stdlist folder to see if it the existing stdlist contents need to be saved as shown below.

tws stdlist1

To save the existing stdlist content, copy the stdlist directory and all sub-directories to a safe location (e.g. another file system if possible) – you will need to do this whilst loged in as the TWS owner (e.g. twsuser). After copying the contents to a safe place, delete the sub-directories within the stdlist directory as the directory must be empty to be used as a mount point.

Right-click the Computer icon and choose Manage from the pop-up menu. This will start teh Server Manager application. Choose Disk Management (2008) or Disk Administration (2003) from the left-hand options and a screen similar to the one below will be shown.

tws stdlist srvmgr1

Right-click on an unallocated potion of the disk as shown above. If there is no free space on the disk, you will need to create some using a disk partitioning tool – there are a number freely available for download as well as commercial utilities that can be used to change existing partition sizes.

From the pop-up menu, choose New Simple Volume (2008) or New Volume (2003) and follow the screen shots below – these are from Windows Server 2008, but are very similar to those presented by Windows Server 2003.

tws stdlist srvmgr2

By default the volume creation will use all of the selected available space – change this to a lower value if required.

tws stdlist srvmgr3

On the next screen choose the option “Mount in the following empty NTFS folder:” and use the Browse button to navigate to the (empty) stdlist foder in %TWS_HOME% directory. The screen shot below uses the default installation path.

tws stdlist srvmgr4

It is recommended that you supply a volume label to identify the volume use (e.g. stdlist) as shown below.

tws stdlist srvmgr5

Complete the creation of the new file system for stdlist by clicking the Finish button – this will create the volume, format ot ready for use and mount the volume under the stdlist folder within the %TWS_HOME% path.

tws stdlist srvmgr6

Verify that the volume has been correctly created and mounted by right-clicking the volume and checking the mount point path as shown below.

tws stdlist srvmgr7

The existing stdlist content can now be copied from the safe location to the new stdlist mount point. After completing the copy, the TWS processes can be started as normal.

Linux Platform

If TWS is already installed and running, stop all TWS processes before continuing (conman shutdown). Check the existing TWS stdlist directory to see if the contents need to be saved prior to placing the stdlist onto a different file system. To save the current stdlist contents move the $TWS_HOME/stdlist to a different name (e.g. $TWS_HOME/stdlist_old).

In this example, the stdlist drectory will be mounted on a new file system within Linux contained on the hard disk /dev/hdb1. This has been initialisd an formatted as ext3 already. If a new partition and/or disk needs to be created or added, there are various utilities available that can be freely downloaded to help with doing that.

While logged in as root, list the disks and partitions that are available to Linux using the command “fdisk -l” as shown below

List available disks and partitions

[ root@ardbeg TWS]# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/hda: 107.3 GB, 107374182400 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 13054 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/hda1 * 1 16 128488+ 83 Linux
/dev/hda2 17 11779 94486297+ 83 Linux
/dev/hda3 11780 13054 10241437+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris

Disk /dev/hdb: 10.7 GB, 10737418240 bytes
106 heads, 16 sectors/track, 12365 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 1696 * 512 = 868352 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/hdb1 2 12363 10482688 83 Linux
[ root@ardbeg TWS]#

Create a mount point for the new file system and mount it using the commands shown below

Create mount point and mount file system

[ root@ardbeg TWS]# mkdir /stdlist
[ root@ardbeg TWS]# mount -t ext3 -o rw /dev/hdb1 /stdlist
[ root@ardbeg TWS]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2 91526920 15951788 70850820 19% /
/dev/hda1 124427 11520 106483 10% /boot
tmpfs 771252 0 771252 0% /dev/shm
.host:/ 73669628 66136692 7532936 90% /mnt/hgfs
/dev/hdb1 10318136 32812 9769420 1% /stdlist
[ root@ardbeg TWS]#

Now link the stdlist directory in $TWS_HOME to the /stdlist file system that has been mounted using the commands shown below

Create mount point and mount file system

[ root@ardbeg TWS]# pwd

[ root@ardbeg TWS]# ls
APIs dbtools Jobtable parameters Sfinal TEP
Appserverbox.msg demo license parameters.KEY ShutDownLwa tmp
atjobs EIF localopts pids Sinfonia
audit eventPlugIn Mailbox.msg PlanMon ssl tws_env.csh
bin evprocescfg MakePlan pobox ssm
catalog ftbox man ResetPlan stageman.out twsinst
CCMDB icudt40l methods rm_Symphony StartUp twsinst.toRename
CheckPrerequisites init.emia Monbox.msg schedForecast StartUpLwa twspatch
clbox.msg Intercom.msg Moncmd.msg schedlog StartUp.toMerge TWSTutorial
codeset ITA monconf schedTrial stdlist_old _uninstall
config ITM monitors schemas SwitchPlan unsupported
Courier.msg JavaExt mozart Security Symnew UpdateStats
cpudef_tdwb_unix jmJobTableDir network Security.conf Symphony version
cpudef_unix JnextPlan NSymnew Security.old TDWB_CLI zoneinfo
CreatePostReports jobmanrc OV server.msg templates

[ root@ardbeg TWS]# ln -s /stdlist stdlist

[ root@ardbeg TWS]# ls -al stdlist
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Oct 25 09:30 stdlist -> /stdlist
[ root@ardbeg TWS]#

The permissions on the new stdlist folder will need to be set to the TWS instance owner (e.g. twsuser) using the command “chmod -R twsuser:tws /stdlist”. If the existing stdlist files were copied or moved to a backup location, copy them to the new stdlist directory maintaining the current permissions
(e.g. cp -rp /opt/ibm/TWA/TWS/stdlist_old /opt/ibm/TWA/TWS/stdlist).
Finally, restart the TWS processes.

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