TWS common commands

Tivoli Workload Scheduler quick reference guide (crib sheet) with the most common commands and examples including the use of conman, showid and schedid.

conman showschedule;showid

short ss;showid


                                                       (Est) (Est)   Jobs Sch
Workstation     Job Stream       SchedTime   State Pr Start Elapse   # OK Lim
TALISKER       #FINAL            0559 01/09 HOLD 10(01/09) ( 0:38) 5   0         [Carry]; {0AAAAAAAAAAAAWHC}
TALISKER       #ORB_SCHED01      0630 01/08 SUCC 10 12:27 00:23    6   6         [Carry]; {0AAAAAAAAAAAAWH4}
TALISKER       #ORB_SCHED02      0630 01/08 SUCC 10 12:27 00:05    4   4         {0AAAAAAAAAAAAWI2}
TALISKER       #ORB_SCHED03      0630 01/08 SUCC 10 12:27 00:23    5   5         {0AAAAAAAAAAAAWJY}


This job shows all the schedules and schedule-ids (SCHEDID). Take note and use the SCHEDID to show jobs or re-run a job from a particular job stream.

conman showjobs <SCHEDID>;schedid

short      sj <SCHEDID>;schedid

%sj 0AAAAAAAAAAAAWH4;schedid
                                                                                               (Est) (Est)
Workstation     Job Stream       SchedTime Job                                     State Pr Start Elapse ReturnCode Dependencies
TALISKER       #ORB_SCHED01     0630 01/08 **************************************** SUCC 10 12:27 00:23             [Carry]
                                            ORB_JOB01                               SUCC 10 12:27 00:04           0 #J24478
                                            ORB_JOB02                               SUCC 10 12:31 00:06           0 #J24488
                                            ORB_JOB03                               SUCC 10 12:37 00:08           0 #J24498
                                            ORB_JOB04                               SUCC 10 12:44 00:06           0 #J24504
                                            ORB_JOB05                               SUCC 10 12:49 00:01           0 #J24510
                                            ORB_JOB06                               SUCC 10 12:36 00:03           0 #J24496

This command shows the jobs for a particular job stream with the SCHEDID.

Conman showjobs <SCHEDID>.<JOB>;schedid;stdlist

Short     sj <SCHEDID>.<JOB>;schedid;stdlist

%sj 0AAAAAAAAAAAAWH4.ORB_JOB01;schedid;stdlist
= JOB       : TALISKER#ORB_SCHED01[(0630 13/01/08),(0AAAAAAAAAAAAWH4)].ORB_JOB01
= USER     : TALISKERtwsuser
= JCLFILE   : perl C:/custom/TWS-Testing/ C:/custom/TWS-Testing/files NOCHECK TWSRCMAP_RC=0
= Job Number: 24478
= Tue 1/8/2013 12:27:50 PM GMT Standard Time
08Jan2013-12:27:51 – Sleeping for 164 seconds….
08Jan2013-12:30:35 – Executing under TWS Jobstream TALISKER#0AAAAAAAAAAAAWH4 Job ORB_JOB01
08Jan2013-12:30:35 – File check for TWS bypassed
= Exit Status           : 0
= System Time (Seconds) : 0     Elapsed Time (Minutes) : 2
= User Time (Seconds)   : 0
= Tue 1/8/2013 12:30:35 PM GMT Standard Time

This command shows how to use the SCHEDID to lookup a job log.

conman rerun <SCHEDID>.<JOB>;schedid

short      rr

Command forwarded to batchman for TALISKER#ORB_SCHED01[(0630 13/01/08),(0AAAAAAAAAAAAWH4)].ORB_JOB01


This command shows how to re-run a job with the unique identifier SCHEDID.

conman cancel job <SCHEDID>.<JOB>;schedid

Short cj

Command forwarded to batchman for TALISKER#ORB_SCHED01[(0630 13/01/08),(0AAAAAAAAAAAAWH4)].ORB_JOB01


This command shows how to cancel a job with the unique identifier SCHEDID

conman cancel sched

Short cs

%cs 0AAAAAAAAAAAAWH4;schedid
Command forwarded to batchman for TALISKER#ORB_SCHED01[(0630 13/01/08),(0AAAAAAAAAAAAWH4)]

This command shows how to cancel a job stream with the unique identifier SCHEDID

conman submit job

Short sbj

%sbj ORB_JOB01
Submitted TALISKER#ORB_JOB01 to batchman as TALISKER#JOBS.ORB_JOB01

This command shows how to submit job

conman submit schedule

Short sbs

%sbs ORB_SCHED01
Submitted TALISKER#ORB_SCHED01 to batchman as TALISKER#ORB_SCHED01[(1122 13/01/10),(0AAAAAAAAAAAAWMK)]


This command shows how to submit a job stream

The examples above show commands being issued on the workstation that owns the scheduling object (e.g. job, schedule, resource), and therefore defaults to the local workstation owning the objects being referenced. If the object is owned by a different workstation, the same command syntax can be used, but the object name needs to be specified in full by prefixing the workstation name and a hash to it.

For example, to submit a schedule owned by the workstation TALISKER use the command “conman sbs talisker#orb_sched01” or to cancel a schedule owned by talisker using the schedid format use the command “conman cs talisker#0AAAAAAAAAAAAZ23;schedid”.

conman sbs talisker#orb_sched01
%sbs talisker#orb_sched01
Submitted TALISKER#ORB_SCHED01 to batchman as TALISKER#ORB_SCHED01[(1336 13/01/10),(0AAAAAAAAAAAAPGJ)]


This command shows the conman submit command including the workstation

conman showfiles

Short sf

Shows files dependencies on jobs and job streams

                                                                                                 (Est) (Est)
Workstation     Job Stream       SchedTime Job                                     State Pr Start Elapse ReturnCode Dependencies
TALISKER#C:customTWS-Testingfiles represents a dependency for:
TALISKER       #ORB_SCHED01     1122 01/10 **************************************** READY 10       (15:03)           [Carry]; <18:00
                                              ORB_JOB02                               HOLD 10(06:32)(01:39)           ORB_JOB01; files

This command shows files dependencies on job stream ORB_SCHED01

conman showprompts

Short sp

State Message or Prompt
YES   2(TALISKER#FINAL[(0559 13/01/10),(0AAAAAAAAAAAAWHD)]) follows TALISKER#FINAL[(0559 13/01/09),(0AAAAAAAAAAAAWHC)], satisfied?

This command shows how to get information on prompts

conman showresources

Short sr

CPU#Resource                     Total Available     Qty UsedBy
TALISKER#ORB_RES                      3         3     No holders of this resource

This command shows how to get information on resources

conman limit cpu;<limit>

Short lc;<limit>

Sets the number of jobs that can run simultaneously on a workstation

Scheduled for (Exp) 13/01/08 (#706) on TALISKER. Batchman LIVES. Limit: 0, Fence: 0, Audit Level: 1
Command forwarded to batchman for TALISKER
C:>conman status
Scheduled for (Exp) 13/01/08 (#706) on TALISKER. Batchman LIVES. Limit: 10, Fence: 0, Audit Level: 1

This command shows how to set the cpu limit to 10

conman fence;<priority>

short f

priorities: 0-99, hi, go, system

Command forwarded to batchman for TALISKER
C:>conman status
Scheduled for (Exp) 13/01/08 (#706) on TALISKER. Batchman LIVES. Limit: 10, Fence: GO, Audit Level: 1

This command shows how to prevent all jobs to run on the workstation

conman showcpus;link

short      sc;l

CPUID             HOST           FLAGS ADDR NODE
TWSDEMO           TWSDEMO           AF T 31111 twsdemo
FTA101            FTA101            A T  31111 fta101
TWSDEMO_DWB       TWSDEMO           A T  41114 localhost


A = Autolink is turned on

F = Full Status mode is turned on

T = The link is defined as TCP/IP

conman showcpus

short      sc

CPUID             RUN NODE       LIMIT FENCE DATE     TIME STATE       METHOD                   DOMAIN
TWSDEMO           22 *UNIX MASTER   10     0 12/20/12 06:01   I J MDEA                         MASTERDM
FTA101             0 UNIX FTA       10     0                                                    MASTERDM
TWSDEMO_DWB        0 OTHR BROKER    10     0                                                    MASTERDM

I = jobman initialized

J = Jobman is running

M = Monman is running

D = Events deployed

E = Event Server

e = Event server is not running

A = WebSphere Application Server is running

R = WebSphere Application Server is restarting

planman showinfo


Plan creation start time: 12/18/2012 06:00 TZ GMT

The plan date that was last added to the Symphony file

Production plan start time of last extension: 12/21/2012 06:00 TZ GMT

Date the added plan will end

Production plan end time: 12/22/2012 05:59 TZ GMT

Number of hours in the last plan extension

Production plan time extention: 024:00

Date and time the last plan was extended

Plan last update: 12/21/2012 05:59 TZ GMT
Preproduction plan end time: 01/02/2013 06:00 TZ GMT

The FNCJSI (first non-complete job stream instance) is the date and time of the oldest non-complete job stream instance and indicates the date/time range being used within the preproduction plan

Start time of first not complete preproduction plan job stream instance: 12/18/2012 06:30 TZ GMT

Current run number of the plan

Run number: 23
Confirm run number: 23


optman ls

Global option examples

enDbAudit / da = 1
enEventDrivenWorkloadAutomation / ed = YES
enPlanAudit / pa = 1
enTimeZone / tz = YES
enWorkloadServiceAssurance / wa = YES
longDurationThreshold / ld = 150
promotionOffset / po = 120
startOfDay / sd = 0600


Starts the network management process netman and the Websphere Application Server


Stops the network management process netman and the Websphere Application Server on Windows

conman shut

Stops the network management process netman and the Websphere Application Server on Unix

conman start

Starts appservman, batchman, jobman and mailman

conman startmon

Starts the event monitoring engine

conman stop

Stops appservman, batchman, jobman and mailman

conman stopmon

Stops the event monitoring engine

conman startappserver

Starts the Websphere Application Server

conman stopappserver

Stops the Websphere Application Server


Starts up the dynamic agent


Shuts down the dynamic agent

Views: 15448