TWS conman command syntax

by Pete Meechan

One of the many features introduced with TWS 8.3 is support for duplicate job stream and jobs within the same plan. Prior to TWS 8.3, duplicate names were not permitted and any jobs carried forward were renamed with a CFxxxxxxxx name to prevent any possible clash. From TWS 8.3 onwards, duplicate names are now supported making it much simpler to identify job streams and jobs within the plan.

To support duplicates names TWS now uses the workstation, job stream name, job name and scheduled time to uniquely identify the individual jobs when displaying details about different job instances. Although these values are used for display purposes, the schedule identifier (SCHEDID) is the actual unique identifier (within the workstation) used internally by TWS.

The output below shows the use of conman with the SHOWID option – the SCHEDID is highlighted in red.

Note that the output has been reformatted for this article to show only the relevant fields.

twsuser@ardbeg TWS$ conman sj "@#orb_sched02;showid"
Tivoli Workload Scheduler (UNIX)/CONMAN 8.5.1 (20100527)
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM*
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2009 All rights reserved.
* Trademark of International Business Machines
Installed for user "twsuser".
Locale LANG set to the following: "en"
Scheduled for (Exp) 11/06/26 (#517) on ARDBEG.  Batchman LIVES.  Limit: 10, 
Fence: 0, Audit Level: 1
%sj @#orb_sched02;showid
Workstation   Job Stream  SchedTime  Job        State Start  Dependencies
ARDBEG       #ORB_SCHED02 0630 06/25 ********** SUCC  10:02 {11/06/26}
                                     ORB_JOB02  ABEND 10:08  #J17286
 >>recovery                          ORB_JOB00R SUCC  10:13  #J17782
                                     ORB_JOB04  ABEND 10:16  #J18107
 >>recovery                          ORB_JOB00R SUCC  10:18  #J18302
                                     ORB_JOB05  SUCC  10:16  #J18109
                                     ORB_JOB06  SUCC  10:02  #J16362
ARDBEG       #ORB_SCHED02 0630 06/26 ********** SUCC  10:28 {0AAAAAAAAAAAAG7O}
                                     ORB_JOB02  ABEND 10:29  #J19541
 >>recovery                          ORB_JOB00R SUCC  10:31  #J19763
                                     ORB_JOB04  ABEND 10:36  #J20193
 >>recovery                          ORB_JOB00R SUCC  10:42  #J20875
                                     ORB_JOB05  ABEND 10:36  #J20194
 >>recovery                          ORB_JOB00R SUCC  10:40  #J20709
                                     ORB_JOB06  SUCC  10:28  #J19364
twsuser@ardbeg TWS$

The above output shows two job streams of the same name ORB_SCHED02 and the highlighted red fields show the schedule-id (SCHEDID) assigned to each of the two instances. The SCHEDID uniquely identifies each job stream within the plan.

To manipulate a specific job stream or job, use the showid option to locate the specific SCHEDID and then use this with the SCHEDID option in the conman command. For example, to display only the specific job stream instance use the command as shown below.

twsuser@ardbeg TWS$ conman sj ardbeg#0AAAAAAAAAAAAG7N;schedid
Tivoli Workload Scheduler (UNIX)/CONMAN 8.5.1 (20100527)
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM*
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2009 All rights reserved.
* Trademark of International Business Machines
Installed for user "twsuser".
Locale LANG set to the following: "en"
Scheduled for (Exp) 11/06/26 (#517) on ARDBEG.  Batchman LIVES.  Limit: 10, 
Fence: 0, Audit Level: 1
%sj ardbeg#0AAAAAAAAAAAAG7N;schedid
Workstation      Job Stream  SchedTime  Job        State Start  Dependencies
ARDBEG          #ORB_SCHED02 0630 06/25 ********** SUCC  10:02 {11/06/26}
                                        ORB_JOB02  ABEND 10:08  #J17286
 >>recovery                             ORB_JOB00R SUCC  10:13  #J17782
                                        ORB_JOB04  ABEND 10:16  #J18107
 >>recovery                             ORB_JOB00R SUCC  10:18  #J18302
                                        ORB_JOB05  SUCC  10:16  #J18109
                                        ORB_JOB06  SUCC  10:02  #J16362
twsuser@ardbeg TWS$

Anywhere you would normally specify “workstation_name#job_stream_name[.jobname]” can be replaced with “schedule_id[.jobname];schedid” instead as shown below

twsuser@ardbeg TWS$ conman sj ardbeg#0AAAAAAAAAAAAG7N.ORB_JOB02;schedid
Tivoli Workload Scheduler (UNIX)/CONMAN 8.5.1 (20100527)
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM*
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2009 All rights reserved.
* Trademark of International Business Machines
Installed for user "twsuser".
Locale LANG set to the following: "en"
Scheduled for (Exp) 11/06/26 (#517) on ARDBEG.  Batchman LIVES.  Limit: 10, 
Fence: 0, Audit Level: 1
%sj ardbeg#0AAAAAAAAAAAAG7N.ORB_JOB02;schedid
Workstation      Job Stream  SchedTime  Job         State Start  Dependencies
ARDBEG          #ORB_SCHED02 0630 06/25 *********** SUCC  10:02 {11/06/26}
                                        ORB_JOB02   ABEND 10:08  #J17286
 >>recovery                             ORB_JOB00R  SUCC  10:13  #J17782
twsuser@ardbeg TWS$

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