Viewing Impact and OMNIbus WebGUI within the same portal

Impact 6.1

All components of Impact are now fully integrated into TIP version 2.2.

Impact version 6.1 is now designed to be installed in either a standalone TIP instance or a TIP instance shared with other TIP integrated products such as OMNIbus WebGUI, TBSM6.1, etc.

OMNIbus WebGUI 7.3.1

OMNIbus WebGUI is an eWAS application installed within a Tivoli Integrated Portal (TIP) instance.  By default the version of TIP supplied and installed with OMNIbus WebGUI is version 2.1. Following a simple procedure this TIP instance can be upgraded to version to support Impact6.1, TBSM, etc.

This upgrade has benefits beyond pure product integration.  Upgrading TIP will improve performance of the WebGUI application and introduce interface enhancements such as drag and drop page development.

This article with concentrate on the procedure required to install the Impact GUI component into an existing TIP instance deployed with your OMNIbus WebGUI v7.3.1.

Upgrade your OMNIbus TIP instance

In order to support both Impact and WebGUI your TIP version must be version 2.2.0.x. A TIP feature pack is available which enables you to upgrade TIP v2.1.x –> TIP v2.2.0.1. This feature pack consists of two packages:


  1.<interp>-RP0001   –  The feature pack install code for TIP version
  2.  –  Fixpack Intelligence Tool. Used by the feature pack installer to check compatibility of all applications installed within the TIP with the new version of TIP


The installation code is available from Fix Central here: Fix Central – TIP Feature Pack

Detailed documentation is available on the IBM DeveloperWorks Wiki here:  TIP v2.2.0.1 Feature Pack


Upgrade Procedure

  1. Login into your OMNIbus WebGUI server as the user who carried out the original installation.
  2. Unpack directly into the directory $tip_install_home/profiles/TIPProfile/etc.

The FIT code should be seen in the following directory:  $tip_install_home/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/fit

  1. Unpack<interp>-RP0001 into a scratch directory
  2. The feature pack only supports silent install so you must create a response file to suit your environment
  3. Edit the example response file supplied with the image to suit your environment
  4. Important.   Ensure your TIP process is stopped!
  5. Execute the installation using cli similar to the following example.  Note: ensure you are using absolute paths in your command.

/code/FP/cdimage.featurepack/ -i silent -f /code/FP/cdimage.featurepack/myresponse.txt

Updates to the WebGUI

Check that the TIP upgrade completed successfully by logging into OMNIbus WebGUI.

You should notice improved performance from your WebGUI application along with various changes and enhancements to the administration interface. Notable changes are:

  1. Addition of Catalogs to the Navigation Tree  – Catalogs are collections of Portlets
  2. Addition of Connections to the Navigation Tree  – enables the management of external TIP data providers
  3. Page creation via drag and drop of Portlets allows free positioning of Portlets within a Page
  4. Enhanced customisation of Portlets enables a cleaner look to your pages.


This example shows page creation via the new free form drag and drop interface. Portlets are dragged from the top menu and positioned onto the workspace. Enhanced features allow Portlet frames, borders and titles to be customised and removed as required.


Install Impact Components

The Impact GUI and/or Server components can now be installed into your upgraded TIP instance. When asked by the installer, select to use an existing instance of TIP. The installer will find your TIP instance, recognise it as a supported version and complete the installation.

Once installed you will see both OMNIbus WebGUI and Impact shown on the TIP Welcome Page and an additional option called System Configuration will be shown in the navigation tree.



The Navigation Tree option System Configuration expands to show Event Automation under which you will see options to manage the Impact resources such as Data Sources, Policies, Services and Operator Views.

Impact61 DataModel

Views: 201