Development and Release Management

Using UrbanCode Deploy (IBM) technology, Orb Datas Development and Release Management product provides the ability to use a DevOps approach to orchestrate, automate and deploy applications, middleware and database changes into development, test and production environments.

How it works

By Using application models and snapshot that track which components make up an application so that they can be deployed and tracked together.
Tested integrations are provided with dozens of tools to make the deployment process easier to design and less risky.

It has the ability to Orchestrate the deployment of applications by defining parallel and sequential activities using drag and drop functionality.

How could it benefit my organization

  • Deliver higher-quality application releases with increased compliance through end-to-end transparency, auditability and reduced time to feedback.
  • Reduce the amount of manual labour, resource wait time and rework by eliminating errors and providing self-service environments.
  • Increase frequency of software delivery through automated, repeatable deployment processes across development, test and production.

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