Testing Management

Orb Datas Testing Management utilises Rational Test Workbench, Rational Quality Manager, IBM Rational Team Concert, IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation (IBM)

It provides a platform to to support a DevOps approach, and enables: requirements gathering, collaboration, quality management as well as software testing tools for API testing, functional UI testing, performance testing and service virtualization

How it works

By Providing an independent or Collaborative Lifecycle Management solution – a set of seamlessly integrated tools: IBM Rational Team Concert, IBM Rational Quality Manager and IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation.

How could it benefit my organization

  • Automate test types, and reduce error-prone, manual testing.
  • Find defects when they cost less to fix, by creating virtual components and start testing right away.
  • Integrate with a variety of open source and non-IBM tools to create test scenarios
  • Improve the return of test efforts, pairing comprehensive test automation with end-to-end quality management.
  • Always have an accurate real-time status without having to ping each and every team member.


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