How do I hold Jobs in plan using a wildcard?

conman “ap ORB_PF@;0;noask”


twsadmin@twsdev01:/tws/TWA/TWS# conman “ss”
Tivoli Workload Scheduler (UNIX)/CONMAN (20121210)
Licensed Materials – Property of IBM*
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2012 All rights reserved.
* Trademark of International Business Machines
Installed for user “twsadmin”.
Locale LANG set to the following: “en”
Scheduled for (Exp) 01/04/15 (#1578) on TWSDEV01.  Batchman LIVES.  Limit: 10, Fence: 0, Audit Level: 0
                                                       (Est)  (Est)    Jobs  Sch
Workstation      Job Stream       SchedTime   State Pr Start  Elapse   #  OK Lim
TWSDEV01        #JS_HOUSEKEEP_MBM 0600 28/10  ABEND 10 30/03  00:03    1   0          {30/03/15}
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 22/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 23/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 24/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 25/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 26/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 27/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 28/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #DAILY_REC_TEST8  0000 01/04  READY 10 04:30  ( 0:02)  2   2          {31/03/15}
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 01/04  SUCC  90 14:59  00:05    5   5          [31/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #DAILY_REC_TEST8  0000 02/04  HOLD   0(02/04) ( 0:01)  1   0
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 02/04  HOLD  90(02/04) ( 0:32)  5   0          [Carry]
TWSDEV01        #JS_BILLING_RPT   0800 02/04  HOLD  10(02/04) ( 0:11)  1   0          <02/04
TWSDEV01        #JS_HOUSEKEEP_MBM 0600 02/04  HOLD  10(02/04) ( 0:02)  1   0
TWSDEV01        #ORB_PF_TWS_HKEEP 0000 02/04  HOLD  10(02/04) ( 0:05)  6   0

conman “ap 

twsadmin@twsdev01:/tws/TWA/TWS# conman “ap JS_BILLING_RPT;0”
Tivoli Workload Scheduler (UNIX)/CONMAN (20121210)
Licensed Materials – Property of IBM*
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2012 All rights reserved.
* Trademark of International Business Machines
Installed for user “twsadmin”.
Locale LANG set to the following: “en”
Scheduled for (Exp) 01/04/15 (#1578) on TWSDEV01.  Batchman LIVES.  Limit: 10, Fence: 0, Audit Level: 0
Command forwarded to batchman for TWSDEV01#JS_BILLING_RPT[(0800 02/04/15),(0AAAAAAAAAAAB47U)]

twsadmin@twsdev01:/tws/TWA/TWS# conman ss
Tivoli Workload Scheduler (UNIX)/CONMAN (20121210)
Licensed Materials – Property of IBM*
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2012 All rights reserved.
* Trademark of International Business Machines
Installed for user “twsadmin”.
Locale LANG set to the following: “en”
Scheduled for (Exp) 01/04/15 (#1578) on TWSDEV01.  Batchman LIVES.  Limit: 10, Fence: 0, Audit Level: 0
                                                       (Est)  (Est)    Jobs  Sch
Workstation      Job Stream       SchedTime   State Pr Start  Elapse   #  OK Lim
TWSDEV01        #JS_HOUSEKEEP_MBM 0600 28/10  ABEND 10 30/03  00:03    1   0          {30/03/15}
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 22/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 23/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 24/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 25/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 26/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 27/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 28/11  STUCK 90 30/03  ( 0:34)  5   2          [30/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #DAILY_REC_TEST8  0000 01/04  READY 10 04:30  ( 0:02)  2   2          {31/03/15}
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 01/04  SUCC  90 14:59  00:05    5   5          [31/03/15]
TWSDEV01        #DAILY_REC_TEST8  0000 02/04  HOLD   0(02/04) ( 0:01)  1   0
TWSDEV01        #FINAL_MON-THU    1459 02/04  HOLD  90(02/04) ( 0:32)  5   0          [Carry]
TWSDEV01        #JS_BILLING_RPT   0800 02/04  HOLD   0(02/04) ( 0:11)  1   0          <02/04
TWSDEV01        #JS_HOUSEKEEP_MBM 0600 02/04  HOLD  10(02/04) ( 0:02)  1   0
TWSDEV01        #ORB_PF_TWS_HKEEP 0000 02/04  HOLD  10(02/04) ( 0:05)  6   0

Views: 166