Setting a Global HTTP Proxy on iOS using IBM Endpoint Manager for Mobile Devices

I have recently had a requirement to set up a global HTTP proxy on corporate iPhone and iPad devices. In order to do this the iOS devices needed to be set up in “Supervised Mode” before the configuration profiles are remotely installed using IBM Endpoint Manager for Mobile Devices.  The iOS devices can be set into “Supervised Mode” using the Apple Configurator tool.

How to set an iOS device into Supervised Mode.

The Apple Configurator tool needs to be used to set iOS devices into supervised mode.  The Apple Configurator tool is a free download from the App store and only runs on OS X 10.7.5 or later.

The Apple Configurator tool can be used to set up new iOS devices and pre-install Apps, in this case I am installing IBM Mobile Client to allow me to remotely manage the device. All iOS devices that are to be configured need to be connected via USB to the Mac running the Apple Configurator software.

Step 1 – Launch the Apple Configurator

Apple configurator image Select the Prepare icon, if you have more than one iOS device connected via USB then the number on the Prepare icon will reflect this. Under Settings provide a name for the device, you can sequentially number the devices if more than one is connected, switch on Supervision and in this case I also installed the latest version of iOS.

Step 2 – Pre-install the remote management software – IBM Mobile Client

In order to be able to remotely manage the device I wanted to pre-install the IBM Mobile Client software.  In the Apple Configurator switch from Settings to Apps and hit the “+” button in the bottom left of the window.

Apple Configurator AppsThis will launch the Select Applications window that will allow you to browse all the Apps that are installed in iTunes on the Mac you are running the Configurator on.  The IBM Mobile Client is a free download so if it is not in your iTunes Applications library then download it.  Select the App to be installed.

IBM Mobile Client AppThe Apple Configorator will then prompt you for the Apple ID that was used to download the IBM Mobile Client App.

Enter Apple idThe IBM Mobile Client App will then appear in the Apps window.

Pre install App listStep 3 – Setting Corporate Background Image

To install a corporate background image to display when the screen locks you will need to prepare an image of the correct size, iPhone display size is 1136 x 640 pixels and iPads display size was 2048 x 1536 pixels.

Under Apple Configurator> Preferences there is a lock screen icon that can be used to set the screen background, simply drag your image onto the iPhone or iPad device, you can also include some text and a user image.

Apple configurator preferences

Step 4 – Prepare the USB connected iOS device

You are now ready to prepare the device, select the Prepare button at the bottom of the Apple Configurator window. A warning message will appear asking if you are sure you want to apply all these settings to all USB connected devices.

Apple configurator warning messageThe device preparation will then start….

Apple configurator prepare deviceWhen complete it will be listed as Prepared and the Supervise icon will have a number against it.

Apple configurator completeThe device is now in Supervised Mode and the IBM Mobile Client App is installed.

Apple configurator superviseStep 5 – Enroll the IBM Mobile Client

The IBM Mobile Client then needs to be enrolled in your IBM Endpoint Manager for Mobile devices environment. An example of enrolling an iOS IBM Mobile Client can be found here.

Step 6 – Deploy a Global HTTP Proxy Profile

Once the supervised iOS device is enrolled in IBM Endpoint Manager for Mobile devices you can create an iOS Configuration Profile for the Global HTTP Proxy and remotely deploy it to the iOS device.

IEM Global HTTP Proxy Settings


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