
Workload Automation – Part 3: Dynamic Agents and POOLS

The next blog in this series was intended to discuss automating the pulling of files using built-in TWS functionality. However, when starting to write the article I realised that to do so involves using some of the new advanced job types. The advanced job types will only execute on dynamic agents or POOL type workstations […]

You’ve moved your service desk to the cloud now what about your monitoring tools?

For the last 20 years one of the most common requests that I have received at Orb Data is to perform an integration of the IBM monitoring tools with the customer’s service desk. When we first started the company in 1998 this was almost uniquely Remedy Action Request System (ARS) however at some point in […]

Setting up PowerShell discoveries with TADDM

With the release of TADDM came the ability to perform Windows discoveries with PowerShell instead of WMI. In comparison with WMI a PowerShell session sends fewer requests to access target systems, which in turn reduces the number of events that are logged. In addition if you use SSL it should also be more secure. […]

Is your company ready for GDPR?

Data protection has become a big issue over the last few years and as a result, the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is becoming increasingly aggressive with its fines for DPA-related offences. In 2010 there were just 2 fines totalling £160,000 but so far this year (up to August 2017) there have been over £3 […]